Thursday, November 18, 2010 | By: Furqon Abdi

The Intrinsic and Extrinsic Elements of poetry

The Intrinsic and Extrinsic Elements of poetry
1. Intrinsic element
intrinsic element of poetry is an element contained in a poem, which is used by analysts in studying and understanding the meaning of a poem. There are several intrinsic elements in poetry:
a. Imagery
-          Visual Imagery
Visual imagery is the imagery that can be gained from the experience of the senses of sight (eyes).
-          Kinesthetic Imagery
Kinesthetic imagery is the imagery produced from an experience that form of movement.
-          Auditory Imagery
Auditory imagery is the element of imagery associated with the sense of hearing.
-          Organic Imagery
Organic imagery is the imagery that emerged from our minds. Organic imagery can be seen in the disclosure of feelings such as hunger, thirst, fatigue, drunkenness, etc.

-          Tactile Imagery
Imagery is directly related to our sense of touch. Tactile imagery can be seen from the description of feelings such as feeling hot, cold, smooth, rough, and anything that can be felt to be touched.
-          Gustatory Imagery
Gustatory imagery is imagery that portrayed the experience of our sense of taste, a taste of thing. Things like sweet, bitter, sour, tasteless are some examples of words that indicate gustatory imagery.
-          Olfactory Imagery
Olfactory imagery is the imagery associated with our sense of smell, a smell of thing. Things that can be described based on the experience of smell from your nose is an example of olfactory imagery, such as for example: the smell fragrant, smells fishy, etc.
b. Style of language (figure of speech)
There are several kinds of figure of speech that are commonly seen in a poem, namely:
- Simile
Simile is a figure of speech which is formed from which we make comparisons between a thing with another thing which is basically similar. The author uses words such comparison: like, as, etc, to compare these two things.
- Metaphor
Such as simile, metaphor is formed from a comparison of two things have in common, so one thing can take the place of something else. What distinguishes metaphor with a simile is not the use of comparison words such as: like, as, etc.
- Paradox
Paradox is a figure of speech that shows the contradiction between two things. Paradox is a picture of contradiction will be a thing (as distinct from reality, with real meaning.) As Perrine said in his literature, structure, sounds and sense that the paradox is an apparent contradiction that is nevertheless somehow true (1987-604).
- Irony
Irony is a figure of speech which features an Opposition of the meaning of the word. There are three forms of irony "there remains, namely: verbal irony" there remains, dramatic irony "there remains and the Irony of situation.
- Hyperbole
Hyperbole is a figure of speech that works by giving meaning or describe a thing as excessive.
- Antithesis
Antithesis is a figure of speech that is visible from two words placed in the opposite sense in one place.
- Symbol
Symbol intended for a matter that is used to replace other things a broader meaning.
c. Rhyme
Rhyme is defined as a form of repetition of sounds in these lines of poetry. Rhyme is divided into three types, namely: End Rhyme, median and front rhyme.
d. Rhythm
Rhythm is an intrinsic element of poetry that only comes when a poem was read. Rhythm is a tone that appears when poetry was sung.
e. Meter
Size of tone in the rhythm called the meter. Meters can be shaped monometer, dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, and pentameter.
f. Allusion
Allusion is a style that uses words or names in the bible that is inserted in the poem with a specific purpose and reason.
2. Extrinsic Elements of poetry
Extrinsic Elements of poetry is a supporting element of poetry that comes from outside the work of poetry created. Extrinsic Elements of poetry was instrumental in the analysis of a poem. Without using the approach on the extrinsic elements of the poem, analysts will have difficulty in determining the reason and purpose of a poem is created. Even understanding the meaning of a poem can be shifted from what was intended by the author, if the poem is analyzed in the extrinsic elements only. Some elements of extrinsic poem are like: author biography, social background, religion, and education of the author, and social circumstances at the time the poem was made.
In essence, extrinsic element in poetry is no different with extrinsic elements contained in the other literary works such as prose and drama.


Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry by Laurence Perrine (1956)
An Introduction to Literature: fiction, poetry, drama; third edition written by Barnet, Berman and Burto  (1961)


Anonymous said...

Very Useful :)

Unknown said...

very helpful information. Where did you get that? may I get the original source for exrinsic and intrinsic elements of poem?

Furqon Abdi said...

Sorry to disappoint you, but it's been long time ago I wrote this post and forgot to mention the source. However, I absolutely remember that this post I summarize from some books using my own understanding in constructing the sentences.
Next time I'll rewrite this post and other posts along with the sources.
Thank you for your visit and comment though.

Furqon Abdi said...

Updated, the sources have been added. You can find the book on Amazon or other bookstore you have known.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sir, so helpful! :)

Emilia Hermawati said...

Thank you so much, this post is very useful

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